Does it seem like your employees are getting younger? Every decade there’s a new generation that grew up with different experiences, different preferences, and different technologies. Their preferred form of communication changes with each generation, as well.
Probably the biggest change in the last ten years is a return to audio as a preferred means of education and entertainment. We say “return” because in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s audio was all the rage with books on tape and recorded lectures.
A Little History
At first, there were tape cassettes that fit into a slot in your car’s dashboard. Then the slots were designed to take CDs. Both formats provided entertainment and education and were especially appreciated on long trips. Then came the Walkman which allowed true mobile listening while walking, running, or just about anything else.
But even before all these advances, there was radio which is still quite popular. Instead of just reading stories, radio theater actually performed them with actors voicing dialogue in scenes with sound effects and music. This audio format seemed to die out with the arrival of television.
It wasn’t long after the advent of the smartphone that MP3 technology made it possible for audio to be downloaded to a mobile device. In the last five years, there has been an explosion in MP3 uses, from audiobooks to podcasts.
Preferred Educational Format
And since podcasts are free, they quickly became the preferred method of education and entertainment to the new generations that are working for you now. In other words, if you want to get through to your employees, you must get through their earbuds!
What Was Old Is New Again
We can learn a lot from the past and still offer folks something “new” – well, at least new for them. It’s the old-style radio drama approach to storytelling – actors, sound effects, and music. We can communicate with them where they are, on their earbuds, and hold their interest with an entertaining approach to education.
Compare the effectiveness of sitting them down, immobilizing them, and hitting them with a boatload of videos and manuals – versus providing them with a page-and-screen free dramatically performed story in an MP3 format they can download and listen to on their own time and while they are active. Which one will they remember?
Business Audio Theatre
That’s the promise of Business Audio Theatre. Meet them where they are, perform a story that has a message, and get their buy-in on that message.
And what is the message? It’s your message, your story, the story of how you put your business together, with all the ups and downs, challenges and successes, surprises and lessons. It’s the story of how the principles that guided you ultimately paid off.
What better way to have that new generation identify with your challenges, root for your success, and respect the principles that got you there! Make them part of the story where they all feel like they are writing the next chapter.
If you want identification with your story, engagement with your principles, and loyalty to your company, think Business Audio Theatre. Meet the new generations where they live and entertain them with a gripping story they will remember and lessons they will never forget.
Let an experienced team that specializes in business culture manage the production of your story with award-winning writers, directors, performers, and editors. When you perform your story in the new generation’s preferred format, they will listen, recall, and apply. Turn both your new and long-term people into advocates with Business Audio Theatre.
Tagged as: education, Employees, Business Audio Theatre, entertainment, History, MP3, radio, drama.