Over the years, I’ve written about, interviewed, and listened to Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, the founders of Barefoot Wine and New York Times bestselling authors of The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle, and Heart Built America’s #1 Wine Brand.

Recently their latest project caught my eye, or should I say, my ear. Welcome to the world of Business Audio Theatre, where business audiobooks are not just narrated but performed! Last week I caught up with the dynamic duo at their California Wine Country home. I wanted to know more.
Robert Reiss: You guys built and sold what is now the world’s #1 wine brand. Wasn’t that enough?
Michael Houlihan: After we sold Barefoot Wine, our employees, vendors and buyers kept encouraging us to write a book about the unique principles we used to succeed. And we really wanted to share our hard-earned lessons with others so they would succeed faster.
To read the complete article/interview, please visit Forbes