Wouldn’t it be cool if you could file, protect, curate, distribute, track, and account for all your company’s audio assets in just one place? That’s the promise of Vennly’s new enterprise audio management service.
Since we are in the business of producing Business Audio Theatre for enterprise clients, we wanted to know more about this new audio platform for business. We caught up with Brian Landau, Co-Founder and CEO of Vennly, at his New York offices.
Michael and Bonnie (M&B): “Hasn’t this been done already?”
Brian Landau (BL): “Prior to Vennly, companies had to depend on podcasting to house their audio assets. But the growth of new applications for business audio have outgrown the podcast platforms. Even though there have been new entrants in the consumer space, by and large the enterprise audio market has been ignored. Yet new business applications for audio have been exploding.”
“Sure, you can share audio files, but how do you know if they are listened to? Video platforms aren’t optimized for audio and provide an awkward listener experience. Podcast directories offer poor discoverability and little ROI. And all of the existing solutions lack tracking.”
M&B: “How does the Vennly solution address these issues?”
BL: “We believe that business should share their audio content on their existing channels of communication. This definitely includes email, but it could also include LinkedIn, Facebook, intranets, collaboration tools, and websites. We enable a fully customizable, skinnable, and embeddable player that gets shared across your assets. The player features tailor-made calls to action, which can lead to business outcomes like scheduling a meeting, taking a survey, or accessing an investor report. We’ve built a robust analytics platform that allows the company to understand usage, engagement, and behavior.”
M&B: “How is Vennly currently being used?
BL: “It’s being used as a centralized audio enterprise tool to manage custom audio messages in email newsletters, to share interviews with leadership, and for onboarding, pre-meeting updates, audio team updates, and blog reading, to name a few. But there will be many more applications as Vennly is easy to expand and storage is virtually limitless.”
M&B: “We know you are still in the beta phase but who are you working with so far?”
BL: “We are currently working with AIPAC, Griffith Foods, George Washington University, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, and Vanderbilt Divinity School. We are in active discussions with four of the Fortune 50 companies to begin pilot projects this year.”
M&B: “Wow! This sounds exciting! Especially for us as pioneers on Busines Audio Theatre. Our clients want to know where our productions will reside”
BL: “With Vennly, your clients will be able to house Business Audio Theatre on a secure, shareable, and trackable platform within their own companies. They will be able to use it as an onboarding and sales tool. They will know who got it, and when they listened to it.”
Vennly’s enterprise audio solution will encourage the further expansion of audio in business. Audio is screen-free and page-free, truly mobile, and on-demand. Its appeal can finally be realized by enterprise business. We are excited to recommend Vennly to our clients who want to get the most out of their investment in Business Audio Theatre. What a great way to engage your stakeholders!
To learn more about Vennly’s new enterprise audio solution contact Brian@Vennly.co.
Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey are the founders of Barefoot Wines and Business Audio Theatre. They are business thought leaders, New York Times bestselling authors, and have been recognized by the Audiobook Publishers Association for producing one of the top five Business Audio Books for 2020.
Tagged as: Centralized, Bonnie Harvey, AIPAC, Audiobook Publishers Association, Griffith Foods, Communication, George Washington University, Audio, Vanderbilt, Business Audio Theatre, Fortune 50, Vennly, Brain Landau, CEO, Analytics, Behavior, Michael Houlihan.