You will never see a line item on a business plan that says, “Turnover – first 5 years: $500,000.” Yet if that’s all it costs, you’d be lucky! Turnover is perhaps the largest hidden cost to any organization. Now that so many folks are working from home, what’s to stop them from clicking on a better-paying pop-up offer to pop into a new company, and pop out of yours?
Can They Identify?
Today, especially millennials want to identify with their employers. They want to work for a company with which they can identify. Everything else is just a temporary job until that “right” job comes along, the one they can buy into.
Hidden Costs of Turnover
And when you lose an employee, it’s not just the replacement cost of recruiting, interviewing, on-boarding, and training you are out, it’s the relationships they have developed with fellow employees, suppliers, and yes, even buyers! These relationships are priceless when it comes to supply chain management, internal and external communication, cooperation, and cash flow.
Why Stay?
So, what is it about employees that makes them stay with you? Is it the compensation, the hours, the flex time, the benefits, or even the acknowledgment for a job well done? Certainly, these all play a part. Increasingly though, it is something else. They want to identify with and buy into your mission, vision, story, and character. They want to know they are not just making a living – they are making a difference!
What Format Works Best?
But how do you convey your message to your employees in an effective and compelling way? How do you get and hold their attention? How do you impress them and make it memorable? Why do they care about you and your company? Why do they identify? What makes them want to write the next chapter in your company’s story? In other words, why do they buy-in?
Perform Your Story!
Capture their attention and engage their imagination with the story of your company. From humble beginnings to its biggest challenges, from serendipitous events to strategic alliances, from your faith in your product to the tenacity to succeed, your story is the key!
Now Hear This!
Instead of conveying that message in print, presentation, podcast, video, interview, or timeline, now you can use the magic of the “theater of the mind” through audio performance. Audio is a familiar page-free and screen-free format. They can take it with them, listen to it when they want, and enjoy it while they are hiking, biking, commuting, or working out. Audio theatre is not just read to them. It’s performed for them. The scenes come alive with characters, action, dialogue, sound effects, and music. “It’s cinematography for the ears!”
Emersed your employees in a gripping tale that benefits the customer, community and resulted in their job. As they listen, they identify with the goals and principles of the founder – and pull for their success! That’s buy-in!
We Can Help!
If your company is concerned about lack of engagement, turnover, and employee commitment, if you want to attract and engage the kind of people who identify with your mission and vision, if you want to imbue your people with a sense of pride, advocacy, and making a difference, discover Business Audio Theatre.
We have the business background, technical expertise, and the award-winning experience to produce your Business Audio Theatre. This is an important audio asset that will return on investment for decades! When your people experience your true story they will be more likely to identify, buy in and even write the next chapter!
Tagged as: Company, Business Audio Theatre, Turnover, Employers, Business Plan, Job, On-Boarding, Training.