“[onboarding] can also aid employees in identifying values congruence which is critical to career contentment and commitment which can significantly impact retention to both the field and the institution long-term” - Journal of Research, Assessment, and Practice in Higher Education

“The audiobook market share shifted from 42% digital copy sales in 2009 to 87% digital copy sales in 2017”- Audio Publishers Association

“Maximizing success through onboarding by storytelling during orientations, [helps employees understand] the company's culture and values [and] its goals and history”- Society for Human Resource Management

“The corporate world cannot ignore the demands and expectations of Millennials, who are devout in their desire to associate with companies aligned with their values”- Center for Social Impact Communication at Georgetown University

“Employees have a deeper affiliation with the message through organizational storytelling due to aligning stories with their own experiences and understanding”- International Journal of Business and Social Science

“The majority (79%) of Millennials want to work for a company that cares about how it contributes to society and 69% would refuse to work for a company that is not socially responsible”- Journal of Education For Business

“19% [of Millennials] say they have paid in the last year for a subscription service for eBooks or audiobooks such as Kindle Unlimited or Audible”- American Press Institute

“Audio narrative has recently benefited from profound cultural shifts in media consumption associated with on-demand television’s binge watching revolution and the advent of digital longform storytelling”- Journal of Radio & Audio Media

“Should produce positive effects on key audiences, such as increasingly positive attitudes toward the company and eventually behavioral intentions to support this company”- Public Relations Review

“83% of Millennials would be more loyal to a company that allows them to contribute to social and environmental issues”- Cone Communications

“Spoken word audio listening is up 40% in the past seven years, and up 8% year over year”- National Public Radio Organization and Edison Research

“Over 71 thousand audiobook titles (were) published in 2020, a 39% growth between previous years”- Statista

Millennials are more technologically advanced than any previous generation [and] survey data has shown a correlation between age and reading preferences [where] younger people listen to more audiobooks than older Americans”- State University of New York

“Narrative presentation of corporate strategy, comparative advantage, is more effective at producing a consistent and confident choice of competitive advantage among an audience than a presentation of corporate strategy using a PowerPoint style, bulleted list approach”- Journal of Strategy and Management

“Three uses for storytelling in organizations: (1) to motivate employees, (2) for education and (3) to consolidate corporate culture”- Journal of Marketing

“Storytelling that integrates a moral and spiritual component can transform an organizational culture so members of the organization begin to feel connected to a larger community and a higher purpose”- Journal of Business Ethics

“Brands can bring their CSR (corporate social responsibility) efforts to life through authentic storytelling [and] Millennials want to know what companies are doing to make the world a better place”- Center for Social Impact Communication at Georgetown University

“As technology evolves, people have more options available to them, which may explain why [reports] found younger adults to be more likely to opt for audiobooks and the multi-tasking they enable”- Forbes

“The storytelling process yields positive impacts on internal and external stakeholder outcomes including increasing employees’ thriving and meaningful work, as well as the attitudes and trust of multiple external stakeholders”- Journal of Strategic Marketing

“Researchers have shown that storytelling strengthens the connections consumers have to brands, so that to a great extent what a brand means to a consumer is based . . . on the narratives he or she has constructed that incorporate the brand.”- Journal of Business Strategy

“73% of the U.S. 12+ population (an estimated 209 million people) have listened to online audio in the last month, up from 68% in 2021”- Edison Research

“Storytelling is essential to successful branding, since your brand is the sum of all your corporate behaviors and communications that inform your customers’ experiences with your product or company”- The Journal of Business Strategy

“Audio platform superiority was about the desire to use an audio platform that is perceived to be superior to other audio alternatives, including on-demand convenience (time and place) and content (vari- ety and uniqueness)”- New Media and Society Journal

“A poor cultural fit is frequently cited as one of the main reasons [an employee] decides to leave an organization… defining the organization's culture through storytelling should start with branding of the organization and continue through the interview and onboarding process”- Physician Executive Communication Journal

“When it comes to digital storytelling for branding, there is, a more positive attitude towards the company when the employer branding message is using digital storytelling”- Management Dynamic in the Knowledge Economy Journal

“A focus on social responsibility is particularly important to attract, retain, and increase the commitment and engagement of Millennial employees and talented women”- Center for Creative Leadership

“116% growth in spoken word listeners 13-34 years old in the past even years, with 18% growth in the last year”- National Public Radio Organization

“Story-telling is an important element… involving the sharing of experiences and creation of mental-maps of the environment in which people are motivated to perform to their full potential”- Leadership and Organization Development Journal

“Employees have a deeper affiliation with the message through organizational storytelling due to aligning stories with their own experiences and understanding”- International Journal of Business and Social Science

“Audiobooks have had a big shift in popularity in 2018 where for the first time, “a full half of all Americans ages 12 and older have listened to an audiobook, up from 44% last year”- Forbes

“There are currently about 1000% more titles published since 2011”- Audio Publishers Association

“Corporate storytelling is suggested to help demonstrate the importance of the corporate brand to internal and external stakeholders… as well as help a firm to bond with its employees”- Product & Brand Management

“[the way employees are on-boarded] sets the tone for the culture of a place, the people, and the values of a new institution and can have a significant impact on employees’ sense of belonging”- Journal of Research, Assessment, and Practice in Higher Education

“Storytelling that starts with the persona allows us to tap into these deeper recesses, where the influence of attitudes and emotions is greater… loyalty and trust are found there”- Journal of Business Strategy

“Audiobook sales revenue has been on a steep rise since 2018, reaching 1.3 billion USD in 2020”- Statista

“Online audio (podcasts, radio shows, music and audiobooks) has become more popular than ever before”- Publishing Research Quarterly

“The most recent era in audio entertainment… users are asserting power over the medium to select particular content at particular times”- Mass Communication and Society Journal

“64% of Millennials consider a company’s social commitments when taking jobs and will not work for a company if they do not have strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) values”- Cone Communications

“Stories are a device… [that] provide managers with a form of social and intersubjective interaction that reflects belief systems, role expectations, interpersonal norms and conditions for work behavior”- International Journal of Management

“There is value in a story that is, designed to drive the simulation and to elicit the [employee’s] best performance”- Society for Human Resource Management

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Business Lessons are Easier to Recall When You Experience a Play


Avatar Business Audio Theatre November 19, 2020 16

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As you know, we believe the best way to convey business principles is through story. And the best way to convey story is through theatre where actors play the parts of characters to demonstrate the principles. The characters have differing goals, attitudes, and behaviors, which through the action produces outcomes.

Some of the outcomes are positive, and some are negative. Because the audience witnesses the action and outcomes, the lessons become more memorable and applicable. Plus, it’s a whole lot more fun that a lecture, or a slide deck!

We are blessed every year with a visitation from Nanyang Technological University students out of Singapore. This year a few of the students will present a short business theatre we wrote to specifically identify two differing business approaches and their outcomes.

We wanted to share the script with you to see what you think of this new approach to business edutainment. Hope you enjoy it!

How Soft Skills Earn Hard Cash!

By Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey

Summary:  How two skateboard companies (Cheapskate and Above Board), with opposite philosophies, negotiate the 3 critical entrepreneurial relationships: 1. Employees, 2. Vendors (Suppliers), and 3. Customers (Buyers). There are 3 acts, one for each of the 3 relationships.

In each act there are two short scenes, one to demonstrate each approach. The first scene in each act is a demonstration of how Cheapskate handles the relationship and the outcomes. The second scene in each act is a demonstration of how Above Board handles the relationship and outcomes.

Students will contrast the attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes of each approach through the 3 relationships with a Q&A session and open discussion following each scene.

Cheapskate has the limited wealth perspective (short term, narrow view, fear, selfishness, competitive) and subscribes to attitudes such as, “There is a limited amount of wealth and you must take it from someone who already has it,” and “I want my share of the pie.”

Above Board has the unlimited wealth perspective (long term, broad view, trust, empathy, cooperation) and subscribes to attitudes like “How can we work together to create new wealth?” and “We will always take a smaller slice of a larger pie.”

Act 1 – Relationship with Employees

Scene 1: The Cheapskate Approach to Employees (employees are a commodity)

Cheapskate: Phone Rings, Cheapskate answers: “What do you want? Who? I don’t have time for this! OK, OK send her in! But this better be quick!”

Employee: “My sister is getting married next month in Thailand and I would like to take some time off to be there. Bill will cover for me.”

Cheapskate: “Forget about it! Sales are down. I can’t spare anybody right now!”

Employee: “But I’ve been working for you for 5 years and haven’t had a break for over a year!”

Cheapskate: “Forget about it!”

Employee: “But I’m your top salesperson!”

Cheapskate: “Yea? Well I’m the boss and I say, the answer is NO! I told you sales are down! Now what else do you want?”

Employee: “Well, actually, I have an idea that can really improve our sales.”

Cheapskate: “You are not in marketing and they come up with all the promotions. It’s not your department! Anything else?”

Employee: “You know, I’m selling most of the boards around here and I would like to get paid based on my performance.”

Cheapskate: “You get paid just the same as everybody else! You put in your time and get paid just like everybody else. Now I’m pretty busy, so what else do you want?”

Employee: “Well, I don’t want to work for you! Here’s your board back, I quit!”

Employee stomps off, Cheapskate is left holding the board.

Scene over. Bows.

Scene Two:  The Above Board Approach to Employees (employees are an asset)

Above Board: Phone Rings, Above Board answers: “Good Morning Mary! How are you today? A new sales applicant? Send her right in!”

Employee enters: “Hi, I’d like to work for Above Board, I have tons of experience and have a great relationship with the buyer at Skateboard Depot.”

Above Board: “Really! You know we pay by performance, right? The more you sell, the more you make!”

Employee: “That’s exactly what I’m looking for! And I have some ideas about how we can improve our sales.”

Above Board: “Great! We like good ideas no matter where they come from, but with your sales experience, you have a practical understanding of the market our marketing people may not even have. Can you start tomorrow?”

Employee: “I wish I could, but my sister is getting married in Thailand and I will be gone for two weeks!”

Above Board: “No Problem! Have a great time and come back refreshed and ready to go. I’m really interested in your ideas to improve sales! You are hired!

Act over. Bows.

Act 2 – Relationship with Vendors

Scene 1: The Cheapskate Approach to Vendors (vendors are out to cheat you)

Cheapskate: (Phone rings) Cheapskate answers: “Yea, What now? The Roll Rite Rep? She can wait! She’s just here to sell me something. Those salespeople bug me.” (Clock hands spins to demonstrate 1 hour passing). Phone Rings: “Yea? Ok, Ok! Send her in but tell her I don’t have much time!”

Roll Right Rep: “Hi Mr. Cheapskate, How’s your wheel supply?”

Cheapskate: “You salespeople are always trying to stick me with more than I need. I’ll take two boxes, but that’s all. Got It?”

Roll Right Rep: “Yes, Mr. Cheapskate. Anything else?”

Cheapskate: “No! Now you got your order and I’m really busy! Goodbye!”

Roll Right Rep: “Goodbye, Mr. Cheapskate.” (leaves shaking her head.)

Cheapskate: (Phone Rings) “Now what? Oh that Rollie from Roll Rite – he’s after me for my late payment. Tell him I’m out of town. And next time don’t answer the phone!”

Cheapskate: (Phone Rings) “Yea? The Roll Rite Lady? Wasn’t she just here? Ok, Ok, send her in.”

Cheapskate: (Roll Rite rep enters) “Yea what do you want now?”

Roll Right Rep: “My Boss just called and told me that I’m supposed to collect $1000 from you for your last order and from now on, you will be on a COD basis. He’s removing your credit! You will now have to pay cash for everything! Upfront!”

Scene over. Bows.

Scene 2The Above Board Approach to Vendors (vendors are bankers)

Above Board: (Phone rings) “Good morning Mary, how are you today? Great! Oh, The Roll Rite Lady! Send her right in!” (Roll Rite Rep enters) “Welcome! Welcome! Great to see you again! How have you been?”

Roll Rite Rep: “Much better now.”

Above Board (picks up the phone): “Hello Mary? Will you please bring in a cup of coffee and a piece of pie for the Roll Rite lady? Thanks!” (Turning to the Roll Rite rep) “That’s cream and sugar, right?”

Roll Rite Rep: “Oh, thank you so much!  You guys always treat me so nice! I just love calling on Above Board. And thanks for introducing me around to your people last month. You always make me feel like I’m part of the family around here!”

Above Board: “So what’s going on out there?”

Roll Rite Rep: “Well, those folks over at Cheapskate seem to be having some difficulties and there may be some opportunities for Above Board to pick up some market share.” (Pause) “Oh, and my boss says he really appreciates you coming in once a quarter and sharing your growth plans with him. He also says he appreciates the long term contract. It make him feel more secure helping you achieve those plans.  You know both companies will benefit if you are successful.” (Pauses) “By the way, there’s a new buyer over at Skateboard Depot and they’re expanding their operations. They may be ready for a big Above Board promotion!”

Above Board: “Wow! Thanks for all the market intel! It will be a big help. Looks like I will need more skate wheels!”

Roll Rite Rep: “And my boss says he really appreciated you calling in last month warning him in advance of your late payment and offering a catch up plan to bring your account current. He says no one has ever called before they missed a payment! He hates having to call our customers and beg to get paid. As a matter of fact, he is extending your credit and increasing your terms. He says he needs more customers like you.” (Pause) “Bye the way, he’s sitting on some excess inventory right now and you can get it at the quantity discount, and he will even warehouse it for you for free so you can take it as you need it.”

Above Board: “Wow! That’s great! Now we can expand into the new market I told you about!”

Roll Rite Rep: “YUP!”

Above Board: “Well, in that case, I’ll take 10 boxes!”

Act over. Bows.

Act 3 – Relationships with Buyers

Scene 1: The Cheapskate Approach to Buyers (buyers want too much)

Skateboard Depot Buyer: (Phone rings, Buyer answers) “Yes? Who? Cheapskate? Send him in.”

Cheapskate enters; Buyer says, “So what happened to your rep?”

Cheapskate: “Oh, she quit and went to work for my competitor, can ya beat that?”

Buyer: “Listen Cheapskate, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. We’ve been getting some complaints lately on the quality of your boards. What are you going to do about it?”

Cheapskate: “Well, you know how people are. You just can’t please everybody. I can’t help you with that.”

Buyer: “But they are your boards!”

Cheapskate: “Not anymore, now they are your boards!”

Buyer: “Well, I’ve also had a hard time even getting your boards.”

Cheapskate: “Oh, that’s the distributer’s fault. They keep fouling up!”

Buyer: “Look, I’ve got summer coming up and I want my stores to look like fun. What kind of seasonal advertising materials do you have?”

Cheapskate: “We’re already giving you standard materials; we don’t have anything in the budget for extras like that.”

Buyer: “You know, I’m sitting on a bunch of unsold Cheapskates. What can you do to help me move them?”

Cheapskate: “I’m already doing all I can. Sometimes business is just slow, that’s all!”

Buyer: “OK, listen – we’re going to have to lower the price to move them out. But then no one will want to pay full price again, so we’re going to have to discontinue The Cheapskate boards!”

Cheapskate: “But, but, but!”

Buyer: “Good day Cheapskate!”

Scene over. Bows.

Act 3 Scene 2The Above Board Approach to Buyers (buyers are partners)

Skateboard Depot Buyer: (Phone rings) “Yes, I’m ready for my next appointment. Above Board? Great! Send him in! Hello there, nice to see you again!”

Above Board: “Yes, I hired a new rep but she’s attending a wedding in Thailand this week. She’ll be back next week. I think you already know her, she used to work for Cheapskate.”

Buyer: “Yes, I heard! Well congratulations, she has a great personality!”

Above Board: “Anyway, I wanted to come in personally and tell you how much we appreciate your business.” (Pause) “You know, there’s a fundraiser coming up where we are going to donate some boards to help them raise money for their new skateboard park. It’ll be right down the street. We were wondering if we could put up these signs in your stores promoting the event. We think our support will help drive Above Board business into your store. We’re listing all your stores as places that carry our boards.”

Buyer: “I love the idea; you’re giving the members of the Skateboard Association a social reason to support your business! And mine, too! Very cool! Your signs help the fundraiser achieve their goals in a new venue they never had access to, my stores! It’s a win win win all the way around!” (Pause) “So, what else is new?”

Above Board: “Well, I’ve brought in a check to make up the difference for a foul up we discovered. Some of our boards went out with the wrong UPC codes on them. They caused your scanners to undercharge for the boards. This check will make up for the difference and our trucks are swapping out the wrong UPC tagged boards as we speak. Further, we aren’t going to allow this kind of mistake to ever happen again.” (Pause) “Now we have bigger signs on the labels coming from the printer and we have a new cross-check procedure on our production lines to prevent this from reoccurring. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. It won’t happen again!”

Buyer: “WOW! I really like the way you handled this, Above Board! It makes me feel more confident working with you!”

Above Board: “Thanks, we see you as a partner and want to help out as much as well can. You know we have summer coming up and we have some special merchandising materials to help decorate your stores for the season. We know how important it is to get people to come in and we believe in retail entertainment.” (Pause) “Also, I want to bring you up to date. Here the latest on skateboard helmets (handing Buyer a news clipping), looks like they are going to be required. Perhaps there’s an opportunity to put them on special to coincide with all the press.”

Buyer: “Good Idea!”

Above Board: “Yea, and I was at your competitor’s store last week and they are putting their boards upfront for summer.  And they will be putting them on a 20% discount through next month.”

Buyer: “Thanks for all the info! So listen, Above Board, I’m making some changes in my skateboard offering and there’s an opportunity for some more Above Boards.”

Above Board: “I’ll get right back to you with special pricing, display designs, and all that seasonal signage I mentioned!”

Buyer: “Great!” (Shaking hands) “Looks like it’s going to be an Above Board summer!”

Play over. Bows.

So now, as you approach your 3 primary business relationships, your employees, your vendors, and your buyers, are you going to be a “Cheapskate” or an “Above Board”?

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