“As of late June (2020), 42% of the US labor workforce was working from home, and a third was unemployed – making it a work-from-home economy.” That, according to Alexandra Marvar writing for Biznow. She goes on to add, “During that time, TopResume monitored job satisfaction factors, asking 118,650 job seekers: ‘What matters most to you when deciding which job to take next?’ The most prioritized factor reported was company culture.”
Falling Chips
Welcome to “The Brave New World!” Employees today are increasingly work from home as, like it or not, ready or not, companies are yanked, kicking and screaming into the 21st Century! It’s not like the transition to work-from-home happened at an incremental pace where unique problems associated with this new kind of work could be solved as we went along. No! The pandemic instantly forced us into it, and then, let the chips fall where they may.
Some of the big chips that are starting to fall center around increased isolation and insulation that remote employees feel from their companies. Other falling chips include attracting compatible employees. Company culture is increasingly important to remote applicants.
How do you convey your company culture to your remote employees and job applicants?
What Do You Stand For?
Bisnow interviewed TopResume Career Expert Amanda Augustine on this matter. “Recent events have spurred many professionals to re-examine their priorities, particularly when it comes to the type of company they want to work for. From the coronavirus outbreak to the death of George Floyd and the subsequent #BlackLivesMatter movement, many professionals are evaluating their employer’s response — or lack thereof — to these events and are searching for work with a new set of criteria for their next employer.”
How do you communicate where you stand on issues important to your existing and potentially new employees?
What is Your Culture Like?
According to Bisnow, Gensler Strategy Director and Senior Associate Susan Juvet explains, “Those job seekers will be looking for a sense of a new company’s workplace culture in the interview process, and that is tricky for HR personnel and hiring managers who used to convey their company’s collective attitude and values to newcomers through in-person tours and casual moments and quick hellos around the office, and now find themselves restricted to a series of emails and Zoom meetings.”
Is there a more efficient, compelling, and entertaining solution to this challenge?
A 21st Century Solution
We believe a big part of the solution is to get your employees and your potential employees to identify with the founder’s story, values, and principles. But not in a prescriptive text or some list in a manual. No! Something entirely different! An entertaining audio play, complete with seminal scenes, dialogues, action and outcomes, enhansed with sound effects and music. Sound like fun? It is!
Your people can experience the story of how your company started and grew, with all the cliff hangers and breakthroughs that eventually resulted in their jobs. Employees can witness the founder’s values in action as they solve the endless challenges they had to overcome. Employees and potential employees can identify with the founders as kind of heroes. They will find themselves identifying with and pulling for the founders as the story unfolds.
We call this process Busines Audio Theatre. It’s not unlike the Radio Theatre of the 1940’s where you were engaged in the action playing out in your mind’s eye. As award winning, Business Audio Theatre director, Matt Weinglass says, “We bring your story to life with a complete cinematic experience for your ears!”
Today’s new workforce is already quite familiar with podcasts and audiobooks. They love the freedom from the screen and the page that MP3 technology provides. Also, thanks to today’s technology, the entire production can be done remotely!
Why not have applicants listen to your story before they even apply? Why not attract and keep engaged employees who identify with your cause and support your principles? Why not make a one-time investment in a brand-building, legacy-preserving, and on-boarding tool that will last generations?
Interested? Check it out at www.businessaudiotheatre.com.